Paul Klipp

Framework Agnostic Agile Coach

About Me

Paul Klipp is an agile coach, trainer, and speaker with over twenty years' experience in various IT roles spanning multiple industries on three continents. He founded the oldest Ruby on Rails web development company in the world, one of the first online tools for distributed Kanban and the first agile conference in Poland. If this web page looks a little dated, it's because I'm creating it myself, using only the technologies that I am comfortable with, and no templates.

Professional Coaching and Mentoring

I work with executive teams and individuals in either a coaching or mentoring capacity to help people to continuously develop their careers and executive teams to incrementally drive change through alignment.

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Thinking Partnerships

I use a combination of mindfulness practice, thinking environment creation, clean language, liberating structures, lean and agile thinking, Cynefin and TRIZ to help people to think through challenging problems. Calls are limited to 60 minutes and cost 20, 50 or 100 Euro. You decide the price at the end of the call, based how valuable it was to you. Use the link below to book a 60-minute thinking session if you're feeling stuck.

Schedule some time to think with me.


I am no longer offering certified public training in Kanban, preferring to teach my clients what they need when they need it and then to stay around to help them implement what they've learned. I am still a certified Flight Levels Guide, available for in-house training and consulting. I also lead one-day and mini-workshops on agile management, flow metrics, leadership, and various lean and agile-related topics.

Online Kanban Training

Learning should be free. If someone wants to learn Kanban, and they don't care about a certificate, they shouldn't have a pay thousands of dollars. Over the next few months, I'll be moving all of my material online so that anyone who wants to learn Kanban can do so through a series of self-paced courses.

Public Speaking

Contact me about opening your conference or corporate event. I talk about Kanban, Flight Levels, dependency management, mindfulness, gender diversity, and leadership.

Page to Practice Podcast

Every month I read a new book in the agile or product space and then interview the author to expore how to put the ideas in the book into practice.

Contact Me

I welcome opportunities to speak, teach, coach, mentor, and consult, paid or not, and questions relevant to my interests.
Or Connect with me on LinkedIn. or follow me on Mastodon